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February 7, 2014
Erik Slader
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The Mad Barista

A message from Erik Slader…

I started this blog in the summer of 2012 as an attempt to illustrate that history is chock-full of (hilarious) cautionary tales of (epic) failure. Since then it has evolved into a very passionate undertaking to educate the world through humor. I believe if we know where we come from we can chart a better course to where we’re going.

To date I’ve compiled about 40 articles between work and school. Each of which takes an average of 30 hours from conception to completion. Research for these articles often includes a trip to the library followed by many hours of reading, note taking and (gluten-free) beer drinking. These essays are written based on research cultivated from several unbiased sources, and then injected with a high-quality dose of hilarity. Each and every article is then subjected to extensive scrutiny by editing elves prior to posting onto the inter-webs. Once completed the article is then drafted onto a WordPress Scroll, rolled into a bottle and then thrown into the ocean of social media for all to enjoy.

If you like reading – please help out by either sharing your favorite articles with friends and family, or clicking the donate button below and buy your scribe a cup of coffee (perhaps a caramel machiato, vanilla chi, or a venti java-chip frappuccino with whip).

I compiled this in photoshop using a scene from the German silent film 'Metropolis' (1927)

“The Mad Barista”

                                                                                                                       Erik Slader

Donate Button with Credit Cards

Me (Erik Slader) - standing in front of a painting of two ships in combat from the War of 1812

Erik Slader is a writer, married college student (FSCJ – digital media major), comic book aficionado, gamer, history buff, Unitarian-Universalist, full-time nerd and part-time retail worker-drone. He’s also the sole creator of, and contributor to: the humorous history blog that you’ve somehow stumbled upon whilst navigating the tangled labyrinth of the internets. Between work, class, volunteer work, and life, Erik puts most of his free time into various writing projects, including this site, and a book adaptation entitled, “A History of Epik FAILs: From Gilgamesh to Y2K”. He currently resides in Jax Beach, Florida with his wife, and their dog Chewy.

—————————— Questions? Comments? Concerns? ——————————————

You can e-mail me at: or find me on Facebook Here!

—————–Also, be sure to LIKE ‘EpikFAILs’ on Facebook, and / or FOLLOW me on Twitter!

—–> Click for a Complete List of Essays on Historical Failure!!

Erik Slader
Erik Slader
Erik Slader is the creator of “Epik Fails of History” a blog (and podcast) about the most epic fails… of history. With Ben Thompson, Erik is the co-author of the Epic Fails book series. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Digital Media, once managed a comic book shop, has a weakness for fancy coffee and currently lives in Green Cove Springs, Florida with too many cats.

1 Comment

  1. mikesteeden says:

    It is plain to the reader just how much research you put in – even my own short satire posts on historical events take time to get the basic facts right. A point in the right direction as to some of your own favourites would assist no end with the sharing side of things!

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