July 31, 2013"Pretend Radio" Podcast Interview with Erik Slader
August 22, 2013A year ago I set out on a mission. A mission to enlighten people through humor. To educate people on the mistakes of our past, and how we can bring forth a better world by learning from mankind’s many failures throughout history. This is just the start of the journey, and I have nothing but hope for the future.
After the past year since I started this blog, (EpikFails.com) 30+ articles, 120 Likes, and 6,500 visitors later, I just wanted to thank all those who’ve followed my efforts to present a humorous account of history’s greatest low points. In case you haven’t already, I encourage you to check out the complete chronological list of essays by Clicking Here! (and be sure to share your favorites with your friends!). You can follow me on Twitter @EPIKFAILSdotcom , and LIKE my Facebook page: Facebook.com/EpikFails.
Although I am still cranking out articles as fast as possible, it’s sometimes easier said than done, between work, college, random medical issues, bills, and well life itself. I do a ton of research for each and every article, and do my best to refine them before sending them out, so your patience is appreciated. If there’s any particular historic failures you’d like to see get the EPiK FAIL treatment, or if you have any ideas at all, let me know!
I don’t write because I want to, I write because I have to. Although I am hoping to eventual generate some revenue, I care more about creating something that others enjoy. Even if nothing ever came of it, I would still have a compulsion to write bordering on the unhealthy.
Speaking of, I’m currently putting together a book, compiling many of the articles on the site into a single narrative: “A History of EPiK FAILs: From Gilgamesh to Y2K” and am in the process of landing a writing agent!
In other news, I also recently did a podcast interview on “Pretend Radio”, so keep an eye out for that…
If you’re a fan of comic books, and / or super heroes check out my comic book reviews at: Superherobeach.com and my take on the history of comic books here! (ComicZombie.wordpress.com)
Click Here for the most recent “EPiK FAILs” articles to date…
I also recently revised and reworked the intro chapter: B.C.E. – Before Common ‘Error’ (A Note on Time)
———————————– Here are some favorites of mine:
RAMSES II – Or How to Rewrite History
Worst-Approval-Ratings-Ever! – EMPEROR NERO (and Caligula too)
The Mongol Invasion(s) of Japan!
Christopher Columbus discovers… the Bahamas?
TITANIC – Spoilers-Straight-Ahead!
Y2K: A Day That Shall Live In Mockery
—————— The following FAILs are up and coming articles in the works in some capacity:
Greek / Roman Mythology 101
NAPOLEON: One Part Epic, Three Parts FAIL
The CRUSADES (Numbers 1-9)
The Spanish Inquisition
The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
The Golden Age of Piracy!
Alexander the Great
Vlad the Impaler
King John vs the Magna Carta
—————————-Click Here for a complete list of “EPiK FAILs!!”
Erik Slader